We are 28 days away from Rare Disease Day 2022, a global observation coordinated by EURORDIS that includes more than 65 partner organizations from around the world. Since its inception in 2008, Rare Disease Day has helped build an international rare disease community that is focuses on healthcare, access to diagnosis and therapies and opportunity equality for rare disease patients. Rare Disease Day is celebrated on February 2, but on leap years, the date is February 29 because that is the rarest day.
Participants work together to raise awareness of the challenges faced by rare disease patients and beyond awareness, learn how to take action on behalf of this patient population at the local, national and global levels.
To learn more about this year’s Share Your Colors Rare Disease Day, and to participate as an individual or organization, visit the Rare Disease Day website at https://www.rarediseaseday.org/what-is-rare-disease-day/.